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Teeth whitening in Newport Beach CA

Professional Teeth Whitening in Newport Beach, California

The Best Way To Brighten Your Smile Your smile is one of the first things people notice, which is why many people make bright teeth one of their top priorities. There are a variety of cosmetic dental treatments that can give you a smile makeover, and professional teeth whitening is one of the most convenient,…
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Time for teeth whitening

Make a Great Impression With Your Smile at Your Next Occasion

Teeth Whitening: Your Quick Smile-Makeover Solution A smile is a powerful thing. Not only does smiling release endorphins that relieve stress and help to strengthen your immune system, but it can also help you further your career by earning you a promotion. But what do you do if you’re not confident in your smile? Stain…
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Dental bonding vs. veneers

What’s the Difference Between Dental Bonding and Veneers?

Finding the Best Treatment for You In one way or another, our smiles are connected to our identities. Your smile is one of the first things new people notice about you, and it’s how you interact with the world—whether you’re smiling out of joy, embarrassment, or any of the other emotions that a smile can…
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Dental veneers can make you look younger

How You Can Erase the Years and Look Younger With Dental Veneers

Regaining the Confidence of a Smile That Looks Years Younger We change a lot as we move through life, and our teeth change with us. They grow and develop with us as children, baby teeth giving way to adult teeth over time, and often shift and change through orthodontic treatment in our teenage years.  We…
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Sleep apnea treatment

10 Practical Tips for Managing Your Sleep Apnea

Taking Back Quality Sleep for Yourself We rely on sleep to leave us feeling refreshed, energetic, and ready to take on each new day with confidence. It’s during sleep that our body repairs itself, so it’s vital for both our physical and mental health. When you have sleep apnea, however, normal rest often doesn’t help…
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Watch out for these sleep apnea symptoms

5 Common Sleep Apnea Symptoms That Are Easily Overlooked

What exactly is sleep apnea? Often misdiagnosed and treated improperly, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes obstruction of the airway. Throat tissues behind the tonsils relax and drop down after you fall asleep, causing the lack of oxygen to abruptly awaken you. OSA may also be due to an abnormally large…
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Dr. Desai will give you a personalized smile

Get a Personalized Smile That Fits the Rest of Your Facial Features

Creating the perfect smile is both a science and an art. When you choose a top cosmetic dentist in Newport Beach for your smile makeover, you’re not just getting a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, you’re getting a truly personalized smile that suits you as an individual. Your cosmetic dentist considers many different factors when developing your…
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Invisalign is for adults too

Invisalign for Adults: It’s Never Too Late

Take charge of your oral health with Invisalign. Orthodontic treatments play an important role in the healthy development of teeth and jaw bones in children. However, they also have numerous benefits for adults. No matter what age you might be, there are effective orthodontic treatment options like Invisalign that can help improve your oral health…
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What qualifies the best cosmetic dentist

Find a Cosmetic Dentist Who Can Show You Incredible Before and After Results

Cosmetic dentistry is an art. A cosmetic dentist can work wonders for both the appearance and function of your smile with treatments like whitening, veneers, crowns, and so much more. Your treatment will have a lasting impact on your appearance and self-confidence, so it’s essential to find a cosmetic dentist who’s just right for you.…
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Full mouth restoration at Luminous Smiles

An Overview of the Full Mouth Restoration Process at Luminous Smiles

Full Mouth Restoration from Beginning to End At Luminous Smiles, our team carries out full mouth restorations to completely transform the oral health of our patients and give them the smile of their dreams. This process is for individuals who have had serious mouth trauma or severe tooth deterioration over the years. The teeth restoration…
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Learn the advantages of Invisalign

10 Advantages of Invisalign

Give yourself the gift of a healthy, beautifully straight smile with Invisalign When you think about self-care, what comes to mind? Do you think about relaxing at home with a book or art supplies or going out with your friends to relax and have fun, or maybe making time for exercise or doctor appointments to…
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Dentures vs. implants

Dentures Can Cause Bone and Muscle Loss, Implants Don’t

Implants use advanced dental technology to provide many benefits dentures can’t. Modern dentistry has come a long way, with advanced dental techniques and technologies that ensures everyone can achieve the smile of their dreams. Even if you need to replace all or most of your teeth, dental work, like a full mouth reconstruction, can provide…
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