Modern Dentistry: Say Goodbye to Goop-Filled Impression Trays and More

Modern dentistry improves your experience

Dentistry has changed over the last several decades. With modern dental technology, dental professionals can create a more comfortable and complete dental care experience for their patients. As new tools and techniques are introduced, your dentist can provide you with more customized treatment.

Modern Dentistry You’ll Find at Luminous Smiles 

Dr. Dimple Desai in Newport Beach adopts the best technology that modern dentistry has to offer. These technologies allow our team at Luminous Smiles to practice exceptionally comfortable dentistry in Orange County, CA, and we consistently provide gentle, personalized care. 

Patients can finally say goodbye to painful, uncomfortable dental treatments like goop-filled impressions. Modern dental technology, such as dental implants and digital X-rays, provide a more convenient and efficient treatment in a variety of ways. 

The technology used at Luminous Smiles gives you a beautiful smile without the discomfort of traditional technologies.

Lower your radiation exposure with digital X-Rays.

X-rays have been a part of routine dental checkups for many years. Dr. Desai uses state-of-the-art digital X-rays. These images help diagnose dental conditions in your oral cavity more accurately, quickly, and comfortably than traditional X-rays. Patients also receive lower doses of radiation with digital exposure.

Digital X-rays are superior to conventional methods in every way. They are bigger and of higher quality, making diagnosing oral diseases easier. Some digital X-ray equipment is handheld, making it more comfortable and quicker than X-rays of the past.

Outdated methods of dental imaging are an uncomfortable and painful experience. Taking traditional X-rays often triggers a gag reflex and hurts the corners of the mouth.

Get a complete view of your dental health with the iTero scanner.

The iTero scanner has changed modern dentistry by eliminating the need for goopy, uncomfortable impressions. With the iTero scanner, digital impressions replace the material that makes you gag or have trouble breathing.

This technology allows the dentist to visualize restorative dental procedures, like dental crowns. The iTero scanner takes quick, accurate, 3D digital impressions of your teeth to help create your custom treatment. It also helps create a 360 view of your entire mouth to help with creating Invisalign treatment, retainers, and nightguards.

When Dr. Desai uses the intraoral scanner, it simplifies your dental treatment and sends the scans directly to the lab. Your final product returns to the office quicker, speeding up your treatment and creating a more pleasant dental experience.

Enjoy comfortable cosmetic options like lasers for gum contouring.

Another technology Dr. Desai takes advantage of is laser gum contouring. It is minimally invasive and improves your smile through a cosmetic procedure.

The primary purpose of this procedure is to reshape the gum tissue, and it’s often used in conjunction with other treatments, such as periodontal treatment.

Laser gum contouring is ideal for the following.

  • Getting longer, more refined-looking teeth 
  • Restoring teeth that appear too short
  • Correcting crooked teeth or an uneven gumline 
  • Creating a symmetrical smile

With laser gum contouring, patients can benefit from an easy and painless procedure that can remove small amounts of tissue surrounding the gumline.

Try the popular modern orthodontic treatment: Invisalign.

Decades ago, the only way to correct crooked or misaligned teeth was with metal wires and brackets. Modern dentistry now allows these issues to be corrected using a series of clear aligners called Invisalign. Instead of sharp metal, these comfortable trays are custom made to fit your teeth.

Metal braces can cause discomfort when they are tightened, resulting in mouth pain and headaches. If a wire breaks, it can cut your mouth, and you must schedule an appointment to repair it. Traditional braces can take two or more years to complete treatment.

As its name suggests, Invisalign is practically invisible. This factor makes it more comfortable for patients to wear, especially adults who may need to speak in public. You can maintain a natural-looking, professional appearance while completing your dental treatment. Most adults finish treatment with their Invisalign trays within a year.

Embrace long-term dental health with dental implants.

Dental implants have revolutionized how dentists replace missing teeth. These innovative medical devices offer patients options for replacing one or more missing teeth with artificial replacements that feel like real teeth.

Because of their aesthetically pleasing appearance, strength, and durability, dental implants are an ideal replacement solution. Sometimes a dental implant is even stronger than the natural tooth it replaces.

Not only do dental implants create a permanent solution for missing teeth, but they also offer the following benefits. 

  • Restores the ability to chew and speak 
  • Helps preserve your facial structure 
  • Stops the progression of gum recession and bone loss 
  • Stabilizes remaining teeth 

Dental implants can attach to a single tooth, multiple units for a bridge, or stabilize a denture.

Visit an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry–Accredited doctor in Newport Beach.

Dr. Desai and her team at Luminous Smiles use the best modern dental technologies to create a more comfortable experience for every patient—with exceptional results. Contact us today to learn more about our technology and schedule an appointment.
