10 Reasons Some People Need Invisalign Even Though They Have Straight Teeth

Who needs Invisalign

Who needs Invisalign?

Invisalign is an excellent treatment for dealing with crooked teeth. But did you know that it can also help with a wide range of other issues? 

Deciding who needs Invisalign isn’t always as simple as having crooked teeth, so consider these ten reasons that you could need Invisalign treatment.

1. Bite Issues

You could have misaligned teeth in a way that isn’t immediately obvious. Malocclusion covers a wide range of bite issues where the upper and lower arches don’t sit together properly, increasing the risk of many dental complications.

Invisalign can effectively resolve a wide range of malocclusions, including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites. While some malocclusions are too complex and could require other treatments, Invisalign is right for most cases.

2. If You’ve Had Chips or Breaks

When determining who needs Invisalign, it’s also important to look at various dental issues. If chips or breaks have affected your teeth in the past, it could be a sign of malocclusion that requires orthodontic treatment.

Malocclusion leads to individual teeth bearing more force than usual when the misaligned teeth come together. Instead of multiple teeth equally distributing chewing pressure, just one tooth can bear all of the pressure and may chip or break easily.

3. Crooked or Rotated Back Teeth

Most people focus on the front teeth when considering Invisalign clear aligners. However, the treatment can realign any of your teeth. 

You could have crooked or rotated back teeth that require treatment. While these might not impact the look of your smile, they could cause oral health issues. Crooked teeth can contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, jaw pain, and a wide range of other dental problems in the long run.

4. Grinding Your Teeth

Have you noticed tooth sensitivity or jaw pain? These are signs that you may be grinding your teeth in your sleep. This condition is called bruxism, and it can steadily wear down enamel which causes sensitivity and tooth decay.

Bruxism is often related to alignment issues. Invisalign may be able to resolve those underlying issues. In other cases, custom-made night guards can protect your teeth from grinding.

5. Issues with Chewing or Biting

Invisalign treatment isn’t just for improving the look of your smile—it also helps resolve many of the issues associated with malocclusion that can impact your quality of life.

Malocclusion can lead to difficulty eating. Because your teeth don’t fit together properly, you may be unable to chew or bite effectively. This problem can be further compounded by wear and tooth decay leading to sensitivity, so seeking out treatment is vital to preventing costly and painful problems.

6. Speech Problems

Your teeth play an important role in speech and are essential for making many common sounds. If you have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds properly, clear aligners might help solve that issue.

Both bite issues and spacing can contribute to speech problems. Invisalign provides effective treatment for both of these issues and could be just what you need to speak more clearly.  

7. Premature Tooth Wear

The enamel layer of your teeth can wear down due to a wide range of causes. Grinding, tooth decay, or acidic foods can leave you with thin enamel and sensitive teeth.

Misalignment often leads to tooth wear on specific teeth, as they may rub against other teeth when you close and open your mouth. Grinding associated with malocclusion makes this issue worse and can affect most or all of your teeth at the same time.

8. Odd Gaps

Have you noticed any irregularities in the spacing of your teeth? Even if your teeth are straight, you could still have noticeable gaps between them. These gaps are common between the front teeth and can affect the appearance of your smile.

Invisalign slowly guides teeth into new positions, so the treatment is well-suited for dealing with these gaps. You can achieve a more even smile with Invisalign clear aligners.

9. Crowding

Teeth that are too close together can also be a problem. Crowded teeth provide hiding places for bacteria you can’t reach while brushing or flossing, leading to tooth decay. Invisalign spaces these teeth more evenly, resolving the issue.

10. Ensuring Long-Term Oral Health

Invisalign has many benefits for your long-term oral health. It can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease by ensuring proper spacing to allow effective oral hygiene. Resolving bite issues and grinding with Invisalign can also prevent TMJ disorders that affect jaw alignment and cause chronic pain.

Orthodontics in Newport Beach

Are you interested in Invisalign to maintain your oral health? You could benefit from orthodontics in Newport Beach at Luminous Smiles. We will evaluate your smile and help you decide whether clear aligners are right for you. Book your appointment today to find out how you can improve your smile.

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