Old Cosmetic Bonding Giving a Misshapen Tooth Appearance


Old Cosmetic Bonding Giving a Misshapen Tooth Appearance

Procedure Description:

Years ago, this patient had opted for cosmetic bonding. But he wasn’t happy with the results. His top, front tooth looked slightly misshapen because the cosmetic bonding wasn’t seamless. After removing the previous cosmetic treatment, Dr. Desai was able to utilize her artistry to create a seamlessly beautiful tooth using composite bonding.

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Dr. Desai

Meet Dr. Desai

Dr. Dimple Desai stands as a distinguished leader in the realms of general and cosmetic dentistry, propelled by an unwavering commitment to delivering the utmost standard of dental care. With a solid educational foundation from the renowned University of Southern California School of Dentistry and an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry accreditation, Dr. Desai possesses the knowledge and expertise that set her apart in her field.

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Sometimes, especially for patients with a misaligned bite, chipping happens. This patient received Invisalign to align her bite, and after treatment was completed, a composite dental bonding to correct her chipped tooth and shape the adjacent tooth. Dr. Desai used her artistry to match the composite material to the surrounding tooth structure and teeth to…